Our People | Nama Keena

Our Steering Committee | Dubartota

GHWRA is led by a grassroots collective of women from across the Oromo community in North America. Operating from Seattle to Toronto, this group mobilizes horizontally, connecting primarily with Oromo women from across the global diaspora and building grassroots networks of fundraising to develop, launch and support food access and security projects in Gadab Hasaasa.

Our Community Outreach Committee | Haawwota

10 women from 10 districts from across the region make up this core sister committee. Using local mosques as anchors within districts, these women are insightful ambassadors of their neighbourhoods—with their critical feedback, community knowledge, and capacity for relationship building, they ensure the most vulnerable folks in Gadab Hasaasa are at the centre of our efforts.

Our Elders Council | Manguddoota

We are indebted to the elders of our community, both in Gadab Hasaasa and throughout the Oromo diaspora, for rallying behind our work from the beginning. Several elders have come onboard as mentors to support our efforts on the frontlines in the region, offering invaluable insight and wisdom, and ensuring our organizing work is grounded within community.

Our Volunteers | Dardarran

GHWRA is entirely a volunteer-run charity, but our mission would simply not be possible without the special support of our volunteers on the frontlines in Gadab Hasaasa. Local volunteers, who are mostly youth, are instrumental to the now annual emergency food hampers program, organizing and distributing thousands of food hampers to thousands of families. We offer folks a modest honorarium in recognition of their efforts, with the hopes that they not only feel empowered in their support of community, but galvanized to contribute to future food access work in the region.